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Bridging Life Sciences and AI

KnockGTM, SilicoPharm's AI Omics Generation Solution, accelerates research in basic, medical, and pharmaceutical fields by generating virtual experimental results at low cost and high efficiency.

Try the free version now
section title icon Useful features
Generate Omics Data without Experiments

Through the web application, AI learning and utilization can be performed easily and immediately, revolutionizing the research process.

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Generate Time-Series Data

Generate omics data at intermediate time points (t1, t2, t3) based on learning data from t0 and t5, as well as future time points (t10, t15).

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Generate Knockdown/Activation Data

Generate data for knockdown/activation of specific gene/protein targets and utilize it for various analyses.

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Explore New Targets and Candidates

Compare and analyze generated data to explore new disease and life phenomenon targets, with literature, drug, and patent information provided.

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section title icon Pricing Plans
Pricing policies available for immediate use and trial

Including the free version of lite.knockG, even in the case of KnockG, researchers can conduct preliminary analysis
and decide on the paid version after verifying the anonymized results with data-driven validation (e.g., pseudo-blotting).


After Registration

Free to use

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  • list arrow icon Use of Public Generatve Models
  • list arrow icon Knock-down Simulation
  • list arrow icon Marker lv Pred (Pseudo-Blotting)

Support & Inquiries

via Email

AVG. Time: 48h


After Registration

Free Trial Available

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  • list arrow icon Includes Lite.KnockG
  • list arrow icon More Generatve Models & Learning
  • list arrow icon Target Scoring, Ref/Drug Info Lookup
  • list arrow icon Review of Anonymized Results

Support & Inquiries

via Email

AVG. Time: 48h

KnockG (PAID)

~$ 1,000
Per AI Model

Payment available after review

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  • list arrow icon Full Feature Usage / De-Anonymization
  • list arrow icon Unlimited AI Model Usage
  • list arrow icon Multiple Knockdown Simulations
  • list arrow icon Patent Information Lookup
  • list arrow icon Target Anonymization Protection
  • list arrow icon Additional Analysis/Reports on Request

Support & Inquiries

Email, Chat & Offline Meeting

AVG. Time: 48h


Models Trained


Diseases/Perturbation Applied


Screenings Conducted


Major POC Cases
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section title icon FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions

For any other inquiries and requests, feel free to reach us at contact@silicopharm.com.

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The significance of the solution is validated through various statistical methodologies, and relevant literature and POC results can be sent upon request.

You can start using it by registering on lite.knockg.com or www.knockg.com.

Even without payment, you can use all the features, but targets are anonymized. However, you can still observe changes in key marker expression and target expression to assess result accuracy before payment. Anonymization can be lifted after payment.

The solution can learn from normalized expression data and shows high accuracy in single-cell transcriptomics. POCs have shown that significant results can be obtained even with tissue-level transcriptomics and proteomics data.

You can pay per AI model trained by disease or cell type. No extra cost is charged for analyzing paid models (e.g., knockdown simulation, pseudo-blotting, etc.). Quotes are offered based on the scale of the model and additional requests.

Besides deriving new targets in 30 minutes (with model training taking up to 2 weeks), it predicts expression changes in specific scenarios in a form equivalent to experimental results without actual experiments.
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Are you ready to get started?

Sign up now and start using it right away.

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From product inquiries to collaborative research and recruitment, feel free to reach us anytime through the Channel Talk icon in the bottom right corner.